Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why wont the good people at Yahoo add the name Obama to there Dictionary?

Every time i write Obama it asks me do i want to change it to Osama, Strange that!!!

Anyway Obama/Biden 08

Why wont the good people at Yahoo add the name Obama to there Dictionary?
Yahoo is in the tank for Obama. You would think they would ask "Do you want to change it to Messiah, or golden boy etc etc.

I find it hilarious

McCain Palin 2008

Experience we can trust

Reply:Because dictionaries don't recognize proper names. When I type in my name, I get things like Konc or Konica, strange things like that that is nothing like mine. The dictionary just takes the last name, and tries to change a few letters to match the next closest spelled object, even though it shows no relation at all.

Just like "lol"!!! LOL is used VERY often, yet I still have to go through spell check and hit "ignore" everytime I send an email or write someone in Word.

Just realize that everyday our language expands and needs updating. But I don't know why there would be Obama's name in the dictionary. Because it's not something you can describe. He's just a person. But idk, maybe they will someday.
Reply:Excellent point. Your received answer suggests that the people at Yahoo are more intellingent that many voters.

The people at Yahoo are not required to make life easier for us. Hence, keep looking for Osama to appear...especially if BO wins.
Reply:Because if he does not win in November, we'll probably not be talking about him again. I think even Obama himself knows that.
Reply:Osama is more well known than Obama. That's why. D:

Obama 08
Reply:because Obama will be a forgotten word in about 6 weeks.
Reply:What makes you call Yahoo employees "good people?"

Reply:It's a spell checker, it doesn't cover synonyms.
Reply:LOl makes you wonder huh!!! LOL

McCain Palin 08'
Reply:I wonder how many little African American boys will be running around with the name Obama in a couple years?

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